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Scope 3 (Value Chain) Reporting

Are you ready?

Download our free Scope 3 Reporting Readiness & Solution Guide

Global reporting obligations for Scope 3 air emissions management, including the U.S. SEC Climate Disclosure Rule, TCFD-aligned mandatory disclosures in the UK and stakeholder groups are driving organizations to establish Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions inventories up and down the company’s value chain.
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Screen and identify your organization’s relevant Scope 3 reporting categories (e.g., business travel, purchased goods) ​
Measure & Engage
Collect raw data across various sites and organizational structures. Apply global emission factor standards to calculate emissions​
Automate supplier outreach and data collection. Allocate supplier data to replace estimates for more accurate Scope 3 reporting​

Aggregate, analyze and report to stakeholder groups and reporting frameworks (TCFD, SASB, GRI, etc.) through Benchmark’s award-winning ESG Director™ solution​