
Respond to CSRD With Confidence

Streamline and automate CSRD reporting with Benchmark Gensuite

Our CSRD solution blends years of industry expertise and  technology to provide both immediate insights and longer-term strategies that make it easy for you and your team to: 

  • Optimise your time to value with quick onboarding 
  • Simplify your CSRD response with automatic data integration across teams, sites and platforms into a single source 
  • Future-proof your strategy with CSRD expertise and technology that evolves with you and the industry  

Comprehensive CSRD Reporting Tools and Management

CSRD is an opportunity for leading brands to identify ways to improve not only their environmental impact, but their reputation and bottom line.

Our CSRD solution was developed to cover every aspect of CSRD management and the ESRS standards, giving you the tools you need to confidently respond to CSRD, find opportunities for strategic improvement and track your progress over time.

While other solutions help you gather some of the data you need and format it for CSRD, our sustainability software gives you a comprehensive approach that covers every aspect of CSRD from data management to double materiality assessments, all within one collaborative platform.

Data Management
  • Manage data collection workflows across the organization 
  • Design reports and disclosures using embedded ESRS framework 
  • Meet all the obligations of CSRD disclosure requirements 
Transition Planning and Advanced Analytics
  • Manage and report improvement projects as required by ESRS 
  • Measure progress towards sustainability reduction targets and forecast future performance 
  • Prioritize projects by abatement potential and analyze reduction pathway scenarios
Materiality Assessment and Strategy
  • Survey internal and external stakeholders on priority ESG topics 
  • Generate a double materiality matrix of issues based on survey results 
  • Establish a strategy, ownership, and milestones for each material topic 
Supplier Sustainability Engagement
  • Engage directly with suppliers to collect data including Scope 3 GHG emissions, Conflict Minerals, Anti-Human Trafficking, Code of Conduct, and more 
  • Manage supplier performance and control supply chain risk to meet CSRD value chain obligations

Ready to get started?

Our ESG and disclosure experts will walk you through how we view your company's CSRD risk assessment and what your next steps should be.

What You Can Expect from CSRD

Double Materiality Assessments

The first step in the CSRD reporting process, Double Materialty Assessments require you to consider your company’s sustainability initiatives from two perspectives: their impact on people and the environment, and the risks and opportunities they present to your organization. This helps you answer a critical question: which initiatives matter most?

While CSRD provides guidelines for this assessment, your company is ultimately responsible for determining if something is “material” and substantiating these choices. This step helps you determine what to include in the rest of your report.  

Over 1,000 Data Points

There are over 1,000 data points listed in the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS – the standards associated with CSRD). While your company may not be required to report on them all, you do need to be clear on which ones are important for you based on your double materiality assessment.   

Broad, Future-Focused Reporting

One of the main goals of CSRD is to identify opportunities across five main areas: strategy, policy, targets, risk disclosures and action plans. This requires you to be specific about the risks and potential impacts of your sustainability initiatives. 

Supply and Value Chain Analysis

In addition to reporting on your company’s impact on the environment and society, you must also report across your supply and value chains. This includes Scope 3 GHG emissions, Conflict Minerals, Anti-Human Trafficking, Code of Conduct, and more.  

New Annual Report Format

While NFRD reporting was previously a part of your company’s annual report, CSRD now also mandates a report in XBRL format so that it can be read by Artificial Intelligence 

Are you ready for CSRD Reporting?

Our ESG and disclosure experts will walk you through how we view your company's CSRD risk assessment and what your next steps should be.


Short for the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, CSRD requires that public-interest companies with more than 500 employees provide regular reports on the social and environmental risks and opportunities of their activities, and how those activities currently impact people and the environment. Replacing and expanding upon the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD), CSRD significantly increases sustainability management and reporting responsibility for the companies required to comply.  

Talk to a CSRD expert today.

Although CSRD is an EU-specific regulation, non-EU companies may be required to comply. 

CSRD affects the following companies: 

  • Companies that already comply with NFRD 
  • Companies listed on EU regulated markets 
  • Large, private EU companies 
  • All companies with listed debt or equity securities on an EU-regulated market 

Talk to a CSRD expert today.

CSRD reporting requires you to gather information across your business, including direct and indirect business relationships, and compile it into a single, auditable report.

Talk to a CSRD expert today.

Get a clear picture of your CSRD requirements with one of our experts today

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Get a clear picture of your CSRD requirements with one of our experts today