Empowering All Industries with Proven EHS & Sustainability Solutions

Benchmark Gensuite supports organizations large and small—from Fortune 500 to your regional and community businesses—in various industries and sectors.

With decades of experience delivering configurable, best practice-based software across EHS, Sustainability, Quality, and Operational Risk programs, our tested partnership approach to industry-specific challenges offers measurable value.

Industrial and Manufacturing Sectors

Aerospace & Aviation

Foster a culture of safety, ensure regulatory compliance, mitigate risks, and enhance overall operational efficiency in the aerospace industry with solutions for incident management, training, environmental oversight, and more.


Whether an OEM or a supplier, optimize energy efficiency, regulatory compliance, occupational health, ergonomics, supply chain management, and more to ensure safety, sustainability, and operational excellence.


Create security for your employees by prioritizing workplace safety and employee and occupational health. Mitigate the risk of MSDs, standardize best-practices and procedures across your organization.

Mining & Metals

Address the unique challenges in the mining and metals industry by logging incidents, accessing procedural documents, conducting audits, monitoring environmental responsibility, and driving regulatory compliance.


Manage complex chemical processes, and ensure the safety of employees, communities, and the environment as part of the chemicals industry, to adhere to compliance regulations and mitigate risks.

Oil & Gas

Manage high-risk operations in the oil and gas industry for increased worker safety, environmental protections, and regulatory compliance to protect your valuable assets and ensure safe and sustainable performance.

Consumer and Service-Oriented Sectors

Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG)

Build product excellence, regulatory compliance, supply chain efficiency, and enhanced corporate social responsibility across all divisions and regions for a competitive advantage in the market.

Energy & Renewables

Contribute to a sustainable energy future with solutions that increase regulatory compliance and inspire innovation, environmental stewardship, and a positive relationship with your communities and supply chain.

Food & Beverage

Enhance food safety, increase efficiency and compliance throughout your supply chain, streamline process safety management, and improve employee safety to bolster consumer confidence in the products to create.

Pharma & Healthcare

Ensure secure, reliable, and patient-focused pharmaceutical and healthcare operations with customized digital EHS solutions that enhance quality, safety, regulatory compliance, accurate data management, and employee training.

Public Sector & Professional Services

College & Education

Empower staff in the education industry to create a safe, positive, and efficient workplace for the well-being of educators, students, and the community with digital solutions.

Environmental & Consulting Services

Promote regulatory compliance, data-driven EHS strategies, and eco-friendly practices that drive environmental preservation, regulatory adherence, and corporate responsibility.

Facility Management

Utilize digital solutions to conduct mobile audits and inspections, identify trends and consistent pain-points across regions or areas of a facility, improve industrial hygiene, and ensure regulatory compliance.

Goverment & Private Sector

Embrace best-practice EHS workflows and innovative technology to enhance your workplace safety and sustainability with a secure, cloud-based digital platform.

Logistics & Distribution

Drive safer operations, streamlined incident management, cost-effective logistics, regulatory compliance, enhanced customer satisfaction, and a positive environmental footprint.

Construction and Infrastructure


Streamline compliance, enhance safety training, and provide predictive maintenance, ensuring efficient operations, reduced costs, and engaged workers in the packaging industry.

Construction & Engineering

Implement EHS solutions tailored to the structure and needs of your business that ensure easy access - from an office or in the field - to documents, concern reporting, incident investigations, and inspections.

Tailored Configurations for Every Industry to Take Your Solutions to The Next Level

Seamless Extensions

Sub-module extensions are specification-based and includes a library of examples. Seamlessly integrated and never obsolete.

Advanced Configurations

Turnkey, complementary features are selectable and configurable based on business needs.

Standard Features

Best practice-based, field-proven workflows, ready out-of-the-box, and configurable.

Supporting Subscribers in Our Top Industry Sectors

Tested and trusted by the C-suite to the frontline.

Benchmark Gensuite is a product of the same working environments our subscribers navigate, familiar with the same challenges, and we continue to serve the same peer community we've never strayed from. When you work with us, you join a network of industry guides, expert practitioners, and champions who push for what's possible in advancing the discipline.


  • Deliver products safely, efficiently, and effectively
  • Reduce defects and unplanned downtime
  • Manage permits, policies, and procedures


  • Provide instant access to chemical safety data
  • Reduce exposures
  • Meet key compliance requirements


  • Ensure reliable services and products for patients and consumers
  • Improve quality, safety, and operations
  • Maintain compliance with industry standards

See What People are Saying

I am new to Benchmark's solutions and this is the first time in my whole life that I have been so organized. It is very user-friendly and easy to navigate. I cannot wait to explore it further and see what else I can learn and do with this feature.

Benjamin Taylor
WestRock EHS

The Benchmark Team is really unique. I feel very heard. You are really listening to us and actually coming back with solutions

Sandra Neale
Global EHS Leader

What I've found remarkable about this [Benchmark Gensuite] was how easy it was to implement.

Dave Roberts
Vice President of EHS

Innovation areas for Benchmark Gensuite are always keeping in mind the ultimate end user. In our case, it's the frontline EHS people.

Michael Bush

GE Vernova

Costs for Benchmark Gensuite have been in full alignment with our expectations... There have been no hidden costs or surprises with budgets/forecasts.

John Novotny

Director, Global Environment & Sustainability

ESG considerations enhance our company by reducing investor risk and enhancing value. It creates a greater level of resilience and output so we can outperform our competitors.

Harmen Baker

Global EHS & Sustainability Director

Subscriber Success Stories

Proven methods. Assured Results.


Switching from Spreadsheets to an EHS Management Solution

Case Studies Cover Mockup energy


Tracking RECs to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Mining & Metals

Simplify Supplier Risk Management

Case Studies Cover Mockup-risk

Aerospace & Aviation

Revamping Risk Mitigation with AI-Powered PSI Analysis


Rapid EHS Digital Transformation

Protect your workforce and manage incidents, inspections, hazards, chemical safety, training, permits, and processes.

Advance your sustainability performance, assess climate risks, and report on improvements. ​

Ensure investment grade data, meet regulatory mandates, and reach your ESG targets.

Manage key quality programs, audits, inspections, and CAPA tracking to meet customer and compliance standards.​

Spot potentially serious incidents, surface risks, dissect large data sets, and automate tedious tasks with generative AI.

Mitigate equipment risks and boost site security, safety, and compliance.

Comply with product regulatory and responsible sourcing requirements and maintain supply chain continuity.​

Protect your reputation and prevent business disruptions with global supply chain management.​