
Chemical & Hazmat Management Softwareā€‹

Streamline chemical & hazmat communication and safety data sheet maintenance to reduce risk and improve complianceā€‹

Protecting the health and safety of employees, the environment, and communities from chemicals and hazardous materials is a significant concern for organizations ensuring ethical working conditions, sustainable operations, and environmental preservation. On top of these concerns, the growing number of global regulations requiring more transparent chemical inventory and handling processes, such as classification, storage, labeling, and reporting is increasing the amount of time and resources required for a successful program. ā€‹

ā€‹Benchmark Gensuiteā€™s chemical and hazmat management software helps organizations simplify inventory management for on-site and imported chemicals and safety data sheet (SDS) maintenance to improve product and environmental compliance. Increase employee productivity and reduce risks through hazard communications and improve regulatory compliance and reporting standards with a Globally Harmonized System (GHS) classification and chemical labeling process.

Our Integrated Suite of Chemical & Hazmat Management Toolsā€‹

Grey SDS Systems Icon

SDS Systemā€‹

Provide employees with easy access to multilingual Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) with Globally Harmonized System (GHS) risk information, automatically updated, and streamlined with approval workflows.ā€‹

Orange Dangerous Goods Shipper Icon

Dangerous Goods Shipperā€‹

Document and manage hazmat shipments, manage authorized team members based on shipping mode and certifications, establish a structured review and approval process, and track hazmat shipments.ā€‹

Purpose-Built to Maximize Your Benefits

Join Our Over 3 Million Users Who Trust Our Chemical & Hazmat Management Softwareā€‹

Centralize Chemical Product Inventoryā€‹

Maintain up-to-date Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and generate GHS, NFPA, and HMIS compliant labels for container marking and shipping needs.ā€‹

Reduce Health & Safety Risksā€‹

Centralize and automate hazard communications and meet notification requirements under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) reform.ā€‹

Expedite Chemical Product Approvalsā€‹

Leverage integrated chemical review and approval workflows, customizable to match organizational needs to strengthen the chemical review and approval process.ā€‹

Increase Chemical Complianceā€‹

Screen country-level regulatory applicability for chemical products and ensure compliance with reporting requirements.ā€‹

See What Our Subscribers are Saying

ā€œBenchmark Gensuite has given us the ability to begin the transformation process to digital in a way that has not overburdened internal resources nor required a lot of consultants to begin deployment. The super-fast deployment is easily scalable across the organization and apps are intuitive ā€“ making the transition from paper or static databases quick.ā€

– Jonathan S. | Regional EHS Managerā€‹

Features of Our Chemical & Hazmat Management Tools

Meet hazard communication obligations through easy-to-use desktop andĀ mobile-friendly search capabilities
Maintain up-to-date, digitalĀ Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for all chemical products
Generate Globally Harmonized System (GHS), National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), and Hazardous Materials Identification System (HMIS) compliant labels for container marking and shipping needs
Setup a customized workflow for review and approval of all new chemical products
Screen country-level regulatory applicability for chemical products and ensure compliance with reporting requirements
Leverage SDS constituent data for regulatory-required reporting (e.g., U.S. Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) reports, country-specific REACH requirements, etc.)
Manage chemical inventory tracking from order entry to onsite usage with inventory management extension features
Integrate with Benchmark GensuiteĀ environmental and safety applications, includingĀ AirLog,Ā Waste Tracker, Safety Risk Assessment, Industrial Hygiene, and Product Compliance suite
Meet notification requirements under Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) reform

Take Your Program to the Next Level with Advanced Tech & AIā€‹

Our Chemical & Hazmat Management solutions seamlessly integrate with these AI and advanced technologies to increase your insights and maximize your impact.ā€‹

Blue and Green Mobile App Icon
Benchmark Gensuite Mobileā€‹

Connect on the go for functionality and flexibility wherever work isā€” from the office to the field.ā€‹

Genny AI Website Advisor Logo

Identify emerging chemical risks & toxicological impacts of the chemicals used across your operationsā€” powered by Praedicat. ā€‹

IoT & Wearables

Integrate wearables and IoT tech & devices with the Benchmark Gensuite platform for environmental & safety monitoring.

Using Beacons for Location, Event & Risk Detection
Automatically detect equipment proximity risks, as well as chemical container and inspection tasks and send a notification to your Benchmark Gensuite applications to flag due inspections, open a work order, or report near misses.

Explore Our Solution Resources