Your workplace is constantly in flux. With the accelerated pace of change in the industrial setting, nothing stays the same for long. We are always working and evolving to improve something, whether it’s regulation compliance, data analytics and reporting, or – as is our primary responsibility – occupational health and worker safety. These changes in industry paradigms can be complex to keep up with, but with every shift in the industry, there is a solution. In this case, it’s something we call the Internet of Things.
The Internet of Things, or IoT, is the web of interconnected devices that spans almost the entirety of the globe. Through integrated IoT solutions, complex data can be transferred wholly and accurately from device to device to whoever needs to access it, no matter where they or the devices are located, or when they are trying to access it. Through this easy transfer of data, new heights of connection and synchronization between tech and tech users can be reached, changing our lives at home in countless ways. IoT solutions and integrations are transforming the way we do our jobs, and benefiting workers in every industry - in particular by advancing performance in occupational health and safety management.
With lightning-fast transfer of data, workers on the shop floor can communicate to managers exactly what’s happening and what’s needed with more immediacy than ever before. By attaching an IoT-associated tracker to an older machine, data from that machine’s processes can be transferred to a central point and entered in a system where key personnel can seamlessly access the information and derive valuable insights. Even such things as AR (augmented reality) and AI (artificial intelligence) depend on IoT applications in order to elevate workplace performance to the next level.
How IoT Solutions are Changing the World of Safety Management
Organizations choosing to integrate IoT solutions with the goal of building a connected workforce are beginning to reap significant and consistent benefit, especially in the EHS industry. Utilizing IoT solutions towards occupational health and safety creates a ripple effect that transfers throughout all layers of an organization – thus, building a culture and environment that exemplifies safety and success above all else.
When you ensure your organization is utilizing integrated IoT tools and devices in favor of improving and maintaining a high standard of safety management, business processes and systems will improve. Under the canopy of safety management, employing asset and equipment tracking means that you can reap benefits such as:
- Easy planning for future growth
- Improved maintenance of certifications
- Decreased administrative costs
- Strengthened accountability and cost savings
- Enhanced workplace efficiency and accuracy
Alongside asset and equipment tracking, integrated IoT software personnel tracking creates a workplace where it’s easy to track and manage employee information such as:
- History of employment
- Emergency contact information
- Education and licenses
- EEOC and tax information
- COBRA administration
- Compensation, salary, and benefits information
- Military experience
But more than anything else, intentional and incorporated use of IoT capabilities in the workplace results in a huge expansion of an organization’s data recording, reporting, and analytic abilities. Using IoT integrations in your organization yields rich results in data and insights, and means that your organization can easily:
- Establish a touchstone for deeper data insights
- Train talent and build a data-driven culture
- Keep updated tabs on current company operations
- Initiate new analytics operating models
- Develop a comprehensive data supply chain
- Uncover the hidden causes of recurring, variable error
Connected Worker: Enhancing Employee Safety Through IoT Integrations
When you take full advantage of available IoT tools and devices, you are utilizing its data-sharing and information management capabilities in every arena possible – not only when it comes to machines or technology, but with workers too. For this reason, wearable technology is a significant aspect of IoT solutions in the workplace.
With the accessibility, immediacy, and integration of wearable technology such as mobile and smart devices, it’s easier than ever before to streamline parallel or differentiating business processes in order to improve workplace health and safety, all the way to implementing on-site corrective actions with those mobile capabilities. With IoT integrations implemented into your organizational process and safety management system, you’ll gain:
- Safety policy support on an organization-wide scale
- Mitigated safety observations and incidents
- Increased trend visibility for operational improvements
- Real-time data on critical safety, security and operational functions
- Increased employee wellness and reduced absences
- Cost reduction around incidents, injuries, and workers’ compensation
How to Find the Right IoT Solution For You
The benefits of IoT solutions in the workplace are an expanding market. Finding a system that gives you every benefit available while also allowing you the organizational capacity to grow with your organization is essential to innovation and success. With the capability of IoT applications and tools pushing the horizon of technology’s capability further with every innovation and breakthrough, a comprehensive frontier technology solution can ensure that your organization is not only in accordance with industry standards, but also on the front lines of each new advancement, pushing limits and overcoming preexisting boundaries.
With Benchmark Tech’s advanced technology suite for operational ESG excellence, you can find out for yourself exactly how easy it can be to develop, expand, and accomplish your organizational goals. Looking to the future, there are great innovations in store – augmented reality through the eyes of Genny® the virtual assistant, customer service powered by AI and machine learning, enhanced mobile and wearable capability, and ever-improving data insights, reports, and analytics are all in the books. By partnering with Opal, Benchmark Gensuite® now has the capability to bring you cutting-edge, industry-customized wearable sensors.
The tech frontier is accessible to everyone. To learn more about what Benchmark can bring to your organization, contact us. Join us in transforming your business capability and optimizing the processes at your fingertips. Explore your options today!