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Primary #3081B9

Secondary #7A9E32

Body Text #464646

Accent #F0F0F0


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This is body text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus sed dui commodo, semper orci at, lacinia libero. Mauris sit amet velit nisi. Vestibulum tempor elementum massa, ac scelerisque nulla porta vel. Fusce in lacinia risus. Vestibulum sollicitudin pellentesque nibh in vehicula.

This text has links in it.

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This is body text bold

Solutions Suite Callout

Explore our Solutions by Function

Find the right solution for your business

Benchmark Risk and Compliance Icon
Risk + Compliance™
Minimize risk and comply with laws and industry-specific regulations, ISO standards, and corporate policies with our state-of-the-art digital tools for EHS / HSE / SHE compliance.
Sustainability Icon
Advance your company’s sustainability performance with unmatched digital solutions that enable easy sustainability tracking, goal setting, reporting, and assessments to reduce climate risk.
Benchmark Stewardship Icon
Meet your product compliance and responsible sourcing requirements while maintaining supply chain continuity with the help of our product stewardship, global supplier risk, and sustainability digital management tools.
Benchmark ESG Reporting
ESG Reporting™
Take your ESG performance to the next level by collecting, using and reporting timely, accurate, complete, and auditable investment grade data with our best-in-class ESG digital management solution.

Program Areas Callout

Comprehensive Digital EHS Software Solutions

Advanced Analytics & Technology​

Tap into powerful advanced tech, artificial intelligence (AI), and natural language processing (NLP) that transforms your data into a tool for a safer worksite by spotting opportunities for improvement and preventing incidents.​

Blue Transparent Digital Cockpit
Data Warehouse
Risk Prevention and Safety Engagement

Maintain a safe work environment through a system that prioritizes processes to improve workplace health & safety, including lockout/tagout, safety risk assessments, and behavior-based safety observations.​

ISO & Management Systems

Define core program expectations & elements and mitigate business risks to drive overall EHS & quality performance with centralized data for stakeholders and real-time visibility into operational compliance.​

Permit to Work 

Standardize and streamline your work permitting process to empower and protect your workforce with Permit to Work for simplified and flexible digital work permit requests, reviews, and approvals.

Chemical & Hazmat Management 

Create a central repository of Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) across the business with accurate chemical & product constituent information that’s easily accessible and up to date to ensure health & safety and compliance.

Solution categories

Environment, Health & Safety (EHS)

Empower teams with EHS software that provides unrivaled visibility and control of site-based environmental health and safety programs. Ensure your operations meet the highest standards for the health and safety of your workforce.

Safety Management

Our safety management software (SMS) helps strengthen programs and procedures in measurable ways, empowering employees to stay safe with real-time data that provides transparency into incidents and responses.

Equipment Management

Streamline your equipment maintenance process with tools that make it easy to conduct preventive maintenance inspections and history, manage work orders for permits, and perform regulatory compliance assurance.


Equip your workforce with powerful digital tools that provide program insights at a glance, helping you minimize workplace risks, prevent business disruptions, ensure regulatory compliance, and drive efficiency and savings company-wide.

Apps Callout

Our Integrated Suite of Incident Management Tools

Purple Action Tracking Icon

Action Tracking System

Manage corrective action plans, responsibility assignments, notifications, and escalations with real-time status/closure tracking, trending, and data mining

Green Transparent Concern Reporting Icon

Concern Reporting

Allow employees to report safety/environmental concerns and near misses; authorized leads to assign responsibility with automatic escalation and email notifications

Yellow Incident Management Icon

Incident Management

Record all incidents of relevance by type and with customizable details, enable follow-up and root cause analysis and report & analyze metrics (KPIs) and performance trends

Resources Callout