CSRD Readiness Assessment Are you prepared for the CSRD Reporting Requirements? Take the CSRD Readiness Assessment How often do you complete double materiality assessments? We have not completed a materiality assessment. We complete a materiality assessment when we feel new issues are emerging. We complete a materiality assessment annually as part of a defined management process, using software that clearly evaluates and communicates risk and materiality. I don't have the information to answer that question. None Is your double materiality assessment aligned with your corporate strategy? Our materiality assessment is primarily driven by external standards. Once the materiality assessment is complete we try to align the results with corporate objectives. Our materiality assessment considers not only external standards but also corporate objectives. I don't have the information to answer that question. None Does your materiality assessment consider both risks to the organization (financial materiality) and the organization's impacts on stakeholders (impact materiality)? Our materiality assessment considers risks and impacts on our operations. Our materiality assessment primarily considers risks to and impacts on our operations. Some consideration is given to external impacts. Our materiality assessment considers risks to and impact on both our operations as well as the physical, social, and economic environment in which we operate. I don't have the information to answer that question. None 1 out of 10 Have you set targets for aspects that have been identified as material? We have not set targets. We have some basic targets but they are not derived from the Double Materiality Assessment (DMA). We have set targets that correspond to the DMA, including short and long term milestones and we use KPIs to verify performance against the DMA. I don't have the information to answer that question. None How did you select your targets? We have not set targets. External compliance drivers. Based on both external compliance drivers and internal strategy. We have set SBT's, or are working towards doing so. I don't have the information to answer that question. None Have you established improvement plans? Any performance improvement is driven on an ad hoc basis, depending on the skill and commitment of site leads. We have a portfolio of performance improvement programs and a loose network for knowledge sharing. We have a corporate-wide performance improvement program which we manage, evaluate, and report on through a formalized and controlled management program. I don't have the information to answer that question. None What standards do you use to guide your reporting? We do not collect data in accordance with any external standards beyond compliance. Our disclosure aligns with GRI and CDP frameworks, along with several SDGs. Our disclosure aligns with GRI and CDP along with several SDGs and we also manage data to support investor disclosure requirements. I don't have the information to answer that question. None 2 out of 10 What technology do you use for data collection? Collected by email and managed in a spreadsheet. A mix of technology tools used across the organization. The integration of data is a laborious task. Integrated enterprise-wide platform delivering data to a corporate standard and with supporting analytics. I don't have the information to answer that question. None Does the data you collect add real value to help drive performance improvement? There is no expectation that data will be used to drive actions. Data is used for mandatory reporting purposes only. Metrics are reported out on performance dashboards to management and site leads as appropriate. Data is used to support target setting and to evaluate the effectiveness of improvement programs. I don't have the information to answer that question. None Does your data quality meet the required standards for investment grade data? We use compliance data for ESG disclosure requests. We use our traditional sustainability reporting data for ESG disclosure requests. We have ensured our processes and technology can deliver investment grade data for the purposes of CSRD reporting. I don't have the information to answer that question. None How would you describe the scope, value, and authority of the data you collect? We collect the minimal amount of data needed to support compliance reporting. In addition to compliance, we collect and use data on our own operations and supply chain to monitor performance. In addition to performance monitoring, we use third-party data such as climate risk data, sustainability ratings, benchmark, product inventories, etc. to provided additional context and intelligence to our analysis. I don't have the information to answer that question. None 3 out of 10 Have you completed a baseline GHG emissions footprint? We have not completed a GHG emission footprint. We have completed a GHG emission footprint for Scope 1 and 2 emissions. We have completed a GHG emission footprint for Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions. I don't have the information to answer that question. None Have you identified and costed the potential risks to your operations from climate change? We have not completed a risk assessment of the potential impacts of climate change on our business. We have identified parts of our business at a site level which may be impacted by climate change using science-based reference data to justify our assessment. We have identified parts of our business which may be impacted by climate change, undertaken risk abatement cost calculations, and are managing the risks in a formal risk management program. I don't have the information to answer that question. None Have you developed plans to mitigate risk from climate change? We have no plans to mitigate the impacts of climate change on our business. We have considered some steps we may need to take due to the impacts of climate change on our business. We have developed, costed, and implemented risk mitigation strategies. I don't have the information to answer that question. None Have you implemented an emissions reduction program? We have no GHG emission reduction plans. We have emission reduction plans based on estimates of potential reductions. We have emission reduction plans aligned with science-based reduction targets, including short and medium term milestone targets. I don't have the information to answer that question. None How reliable are your emission calculations? We source emission factors and make our own calculations in Excel. Our emissions are calculated by a qualified consultant or software provider. We have personnel trained in the use of the WRI Greenhouse Gas Protocol, including for Scope 2 and 3 emissions, and our work is audited by a third party. I don't have the information to answer that question. None 4 out of 10 How do you track product materials for the purposes of compliance reporting and performance management? We don't routinely track product components except in response to specific requests for information. We undertake some component and material tracking but our coverage is variable and incomplete. We have a rigorous platform to track components and materials to comply with relevant legislation, provide information to stakeholders, and manage supplier risk. I don't have the information to answer that question. None Do you track Scope 3 emissions from your supply chain? We don't track supply chain GHG emissions data. We collect what data we can but currently cannot provide a footprint to an acceptable level of accuracy. We are able to collect sufficient data to provide a Scope 3 footprint to an acceptable level of accuracy. I don't have the information to answer that question. None Do you proactively monitor and manage supplier performance? Our relationship with suppliers is limited to managing products and invoicing. We set and communicate expectations on supplier performance but do not have a process to actively manage performance. We have a formalized and managed process to engage with suppliers, monitor their performance, and ensure compliance with our defined standards. I don't have the information to answer that question. None Do you manage the performance of the value chain in accordance with CSRD requirements? We do not have visibility on the conditions in our value chain in respect to CSRD requirements. We have some visibility on value chain performance in respect to CSRD requirements but data is incomplete and we cannot manage performance. We are able to determine if the CSRD value chain requirements are met and can take corrective action if required. I don't have the information to answer that question. None 5 out of 10 Do you have a formal and rigorous process to identify sustainability risk? We address risks when potential adverse outcomes are imminent and significant. We have a standardized process that we apply periodically to identify and manage risks. Our internal risk identification process is supported by third-party data sets and independent review. I don't have the information to answer that question. None Do you proactively manage sustainability risks? We mobilize people and resources to respond to risks that have been realized. Our risk assessment process enables us to proactively mitigate risk and minimize consequences. Our sustainability risk management process is fully integrated into our corporate risk function and is used to guide corporate strategy. I don't have the information to answer that question. None Do you identify and document the monetary value of identified risks? We do not assign a monetary value to identified risks. We assign monetary values but they are used only for prioritization purposes and are not reflected in our corporate accounts. We assign monetary values to identified risks and make suitable entries in corporate accounts reflecting these risks as required by the TCFD and CSRD, including CFO sign-off. I don't have the information to answer that question. None 6 out of 10 Do you have a well defined and effective process to support the collection of data? We largely depend on the performance and competence of key personnel to ensure the job gets done. We have a fixed process that all stakeholders follow with reasonable reliability. We have a clear and effective process which is well documented, clearly communicated to stakeholders, periodically reviewed and optimized as required, and includes data quality checks. I don't have the information to answer that question. None Is everyone involved in the data collection process clear on their roles and responsibilities and able to execute on them? Data collection and processing is done by whoever has the time. Roles and responsibilities are defined. Roles and responsibilities are defined and a management process has been established to ensure ongoing competence for the tasks involved. I don't have the information to answer that question. None Does your data meet the reliability standards required by the CSRD? Data is not verified. Data is verified and an audit trail of changes established. Data is verified, an audit trail of changes established, and is third party audited to Limited Assurance standards. I don't have the information to answer that question. None Is your reporting process supported by technology to provide automated processes? Reporting is executed through manual and laborious processes. We have a reporting platform that can generate sustainability/ESG reports but does not address the requirements of the CSRD/ESRS. We are able to generate ESRS compliant reports in an automated manner with financial-grade data using an integrated enterprise-wide platform. I don't have the information to answer that question. None 7 out of 10 To what extent are the company executive officers involved in managing sustainability performance? Sustainability performance is not seen as an executive level issue. Executives are aware of activities but delegate responsibility to mid-level management. Company executives participate in key management functions and demand board level reporting. Executive remuneration is linked to sustainability performance. I don't have the information to answer that question. None Is the sustainability management program aligned with and integrated into corporate management functions? Sustainability performance is not seen as an executive function and is not aligned with corporate management procedures. Sustainability performance is not seen as an executive function but the board does require assurance on performance. Sustainability is a core corporate value and is managed at the board level in the same way as other executive functions. Policies, strategy, and data is integrated into corporate governance procedures as required by CSRD. I don't have the information to answer that question. None Does the sustainability management program accommodate regional variations in context and objectives? We have a blanket approach that all regions must comply with. Each region uses its own standard and any corporate level reporting requires data conversion to provide a consistent dataset. We have a tiered approach that manages source data to deliver standard, enterprise-wide data, along with supplementary versions adapted to regional standards. I don't have the information to answer that question. None Do you use sector specific guidelines and reporting standards? We do not address industry specific issues in our sustainability program. We use industry specific supplements and guides where available. We use industry specific supplements and guides where available and participate in sector benchmarking through external organizations. I don't have the information to answer that question. None 8 out of 10 How proactive and rigorous is your stakeholder engagement program? We know we have impacted a stakeholder community when they complain or we get negative press coverage. We evaluate who may be impacted by our business and plan accordingly, but this does not involve two-way communication with these groups. We routinely engage with all our stakeholders in a systemic manner to identify issues and provide feedback on our actions. I don't have the information to answer that question. None How much weight do you give to social issues? Social issues are not considered important to our business. We address social issues as best as we can in order to be complete in our response. Our ESG responses on social issues are considered just as important as environmental and governance. I don't have the information to answer that question. None Do you measure and manage social issues in a qualitative or quantitative manner? We identify social issues but we don't measure or manage them. Our identification and management of social issues is largely qualitative and expressed in general terms. We have a methodology to precisely define social issues, including quantification and our effectiveness in addressing them. I don't have the information to answer that question. None 9 out of 10 To what extent has technology been deployed to support your sustainability program? We manage with email and spreadsheets. We use a number of technological tools but need to reconcile and integrate data from different sources. We have an enterprise-wide platform that uses verified and auditable data generated by operations to create management reports, ESRS reports, and machine readable data as required by CSRD. I don't have the information to answer that question. None To what extent do you use advanced technologies to support your sustainability program? (e.g. AI, image analysis, automated meter, Bluetooth sensors, predictive analytics) We don't use anything beyond basic software (email & spreadsheets). We use some advanced technologies on a point basis where the business case can be made. We have a strategy and clear process to evaluate, pilot, and implement emerging technologies where they add value. I don't have the information to answer that question. None To what extent does your technology platform support management actions rather than just reporting? Our technology is used primarily to generate metrics. Our technology supports limited management functions such as tracking progress against targets, automating alerts for non-conformance, generating audit logs, and reporting for GRI/CDP. Our technology enables us to measure the impact of sustainability improvement projects, manage and drive accountability of our supply chain, calculate Return on Investment (ROI), and share best practices across the organization. I don't have the information to answer that question. None 10 out of 10 Time's up