Our Product

Permit to Work ​Software

Tailor Your Work Permit Process to Fit Your Company & Team Needs​

screen illustation of permit to work software

Why Permit to Work for Your Control of Work Program?

A clear work permitting process from initiation to approval is integral to maintaining a safe worksite.

Streamlined Requests

Simplify & standardize permit request forms, so your team can easily request a permit for a specific job to be done on-site.

Flexible Documentation

Generate and print site-specific permit documents with custom fields & prepopulated key work details using Digitized Custom Permit Forms; and customize permit forms based on documentation.​

Clear Communication

Keep your workforce current, informed, and safe with built-in email notifications and impairment risk notifications.

Customizable Workflows

Enhance productivity with flexible approval workflows configurable on a permit-by-permit basis.

Seamless Platform

Accomplish more in Permit to Work with expanded uses & capabilities via integrations with other Benchmark Gensuite® digital tools like LOTO and Forms.

Features & Benefits​

Keep Track of All Work Permit Details and Ensure Safe Worksites Across Your Operations​

From keeping track of completed permits and permit-related site activities, to identifying related hazards, control measures, and equipment.

Manage Permits Effortlessly​

Add Site Guidance to communicate site requirements and process-specific information so no detail is missed or overlooked.​

Expedite the Work Permit Process​

Develop and maintain an inventory of work activities & locations that can be pre-defined to streamline permit creation & approval.​

Stay Agile and Informed​

Take Permit to Work on the go and in the field with robust mobile capabilities.​

Take Your Program to the Next Level with

AI &Tech Solutions

Our Control of Work solutions seamlessly integrate with these AI and tech solutions to increase your insights and maximize your impact.

Benchmark Gensuite Mobile​

Connect on the go for functionality and flexibility wherever work is— from the office to the field.

Describe-It AI Advisor™​

Receive real-time guidance when inputting incident descriptions to improve data quality.​

U Connect

Unparalleled real-time collaboration & connectivity at your fingertips to efficiently unify your workforce.​

See What People are Saying

"We had a challenge before implementing Benchmark Gensuite solutions. Our data was stored in multiple locations, some of which were outdated or no longer supported. It was time to explore a solution where we could centralize storage and align these platforms. Benchmark Gensuite solved this problem for our team."

Nikki Walborn
EHS Project Manager
The Andersons

"The software is designed for its intended use, so they have already considered elements that I could never have imagined. It works extremely well for its purpose."

Alan B.
EHS Specialist
Benchmark Gensuite Subscriber

"Our organization was looking to initiate the transition of our system from the paper based collection of data to a digital solution. We came across Benchmark Gensuite and knew at once it was the best fit for our business."

James E.
National HSEQ Manager
Benchmark Gensuite Subscriber

"80% reduction in costs from consolidating 5 legacy systems into 1 unified platform."

Explore Our Products

Unlock the Full Power of our Control of Work Solutions

Explore products related to this solution.

Streamline Worksite Safety

Manage documentation & approval processes easily & efficiently.​

Improve Workplace Health & Safety

Mitigate risks from the start with continuous monitoring.​

Customize Site Workflows

Modify permits as needed by job and site needs fast.​

Maintain Visibility

Keep your team informed with email notifications & intuitive dashboards.​