
Benchmark Gensuite

2023 Environmental Performance & GHG Footprint Update

At Benchmark Gensuite, we are committed to operating in a sustainable and responsible manner, and we recognize the importance of transparency in our environmental efforts.

We are pleased to provide you with an update on our environmental footprint for 2023.

Benchmark Gensuite 2023 Environmental Performance & GHG Footprint

Summary of Performance and Scope of Reporting

In 2023, we expanded our GHG inventory to include select Scope 3 categories. These additional categories include Category 1: Purchased Goods & Services, specifically looking at our emissions associated with Data Processing, Hosting & Other Related Services.

In addition to our calculation of air travel-associated emissions in 2022, we expanded Category 6: Business Travel emissions to also include:

Ground transportation

Hotel stays

Travel meals

Additionally, with many of our team members working remotely, we prioritized emissions reporting for Remote Work as part of Category 7: Employee Commuting.

Waste Tracking

In addition, we implemented a plan for select waste tracking that will enable us to track our electronic waste diversion from landfills in future years. We also look to establish a greater emphasis on recycling at our office locations worldwide. We believe that empowering our team and fostering a culture of environmental stewardship is essential for driving long-term, meaningful change. 

Explore Our Commitments & Impact Over the Years

Each day, we are actively working to make a positive impact on the communities where we operate. We appreciate the responsibility and are humbled by the opportunity.

Sustainability & Community Impact Report

Read our inaugural report defining the impact priorities material to our business, including environmental, community, and corporate governance

What's Next?

As we look ahead, we remain steadfast in our commitment to continuous improvement and the reduction of our environmental impact. We are excited to share our upcoming biennial Sustainability and Community Impact Report with you in early 2025, which will provide a comprehensive overview of our sustainability efforts and the progress we have made in 2024. 

We value your partnership and appreciate your continued support in our journey towards a more sustainable future. 

Notes on Methodology

Our 2023 emissions calculation methodology remains relatively unchanged from the methodology used in 2022. All Scope 2 location-based emission factors are sourced from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID) for U.S. sites (2024 Release). Country-specific emission factors for international locations are obtained from the International Energy Agency (IEA) from the 2023 release.  

All Benchmark Gensuite sites in the U.S. use Postal Codes to apply the corresponding eGRID factors. For international sites, the IEA emission factor used aligns with location country. 

Many Benchmark Gensuite sites use their utility data for Scope 2 emissions calculations. If this data is unavailable, as is the case with some leased office spaces in Cincinnati, Austin, and London, emissions are estimated based on office square footage using average benchmark kWh/ft² intensities from the Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS). The Benchmark Gensuite® Sustainability Reporting solution then applies the previously mentioned emission factors to each site’s estimated consumption data.  

In 2023, the Cincinnati site used the CBECS method to calculate emissions due to utility data being unavailable. This site moved to a new location in the Greater Cincinnati area on July 1, 2023. The CBECS monthly energy consumption estimates for this site reflect one number for the first half of the year (Jan-Jun) and a different number for the latter half of the year (Jul-Dec) due to the move to a smaller office space.  

For the San Luis Potosí office, utility data was unavailable for January through March 2023. To fill in these gaps, an average was extrapolated from the available Aguascalientes utility data for 2023 and entered into these months (Jan, Feb, Mar). 

Currently, our Bangalore site includes data from both our Bangalore and Mumbai offices in India. Benchmark Gensuite is working to distinguish these sites in future reports. 

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